Thursday, June 4, 2009

Critical Thinking

To make the most of your curiosity, you need to have discipline with impartiality, determination, and conviction. Pursuing curiosity can be an adventure.

A significant critical thinking skill is the ability to distinguish and regulate statements of fact, opinion, and projection. These three styles of expression are called statements modes, which are commonly used in business to convey critical information. Each have different communication functions.

Each is used for different, particular purpose. Facts can be used as supporting evidence for a conclusion to support a conviction. Opinions are valuable advisories and preference indicators when offered by someone knowledgeable or experienced. Projections help with planning and preparations.

  • Facts convey definitive information
  • Opinions let you know how the speaker feels about a given manner.
  • Projections are a hybrid of fact and opinion - they represent opinions about potential upcoming facts.

If it is possible to determine a statement's truth, then the statement is fact.

Does the statement disclose a preference, personal evaluation, or eithical value? Then the statement is opinion.

Does the statement describe some future situation based on current events or conditions? Then the statement is projection

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Are Amazon, and Microsoft improving their clouds?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Four Key Questions on StartUp - Jack Sheridan

Who owns the company?
You need to know who owns the equity at each stage in the company
- considering vesting
- no oral promises
- no napkin promises

Who owns the technology?
- the importance of confidentiality and assignment agreements
- exclusive license? the "poison pill"
- narrow the risk IP exposure

Who controls the company?
- the board
- the shareholders
- Section 2115 of the California Corporations Code

Who gets what if the company is liquidity?
- liquidation preferences
- participating preferred
- divends - cumalative and noncumalative
- acceleration of vesting?
- other payments due on charge of command?

Time Line Startup

explore idea --> raise money --> hire core team --> build product --> early release

- get term sheet
- negotiate lease;computers
- order lan,sw,phone, dsl
- setup bank accts, paychex, desks/chairs
- property insurance, sw control
- set up office

Getting Press for Your Startup - Mike Arrington

Innovator's Delemia
Seth Goodin's Purple Cow

Mobile Platform --- facebook to worried about privacy (can you broadcast information)

Business Model

Go after the sustainable customers ---> not consumer but fortunate 5 million

You don't need to be mom & pop nor the other end of the spectrum the big "google"

Being able to run your own business without VC money, and calling your own shots, and own pace can be pretty amazing.

Look you can make a million dollars with:

2,000 * $40 = 1,000,000

If you can find a business that you love that has good cause.

How to Get Started?

1) Solve a simple probelm
2) Continue to Evolve
3) Devote the time (quality over quantity)

Benevolence is needed in startups

Main Entry:
be·nev·o·lent Listen to the pronunciation of benevolent
Middle English, from Latin benevolent-, benevolens, from bene + volent-, volens, present participle of velle to wish — more at will
15th century

1 a: marked by or disposed to doing good b: organized for the purpose of doing good 2: marked by or suggestive of goodwill
— be·nev·o·lent·ly adverb
— be·nev·o·lent·ness noun